
Tom Bright

            • Ph.D. in Theoretical Nuclear Physics
            • 10+ Years Research Experience
            • 30+ Years Physics Teaching Experience
            • 20+ Years Tutoring Experience
            • DC/Va Certified Physics Teacher

My extensive training in Physics has given me an understanding of, and between, basic Physics principles that is better than most. 

As part of research during my teacher training, I became fascinated with what was called Expert Learning, where students are taught to approach a topic as an expert might. Being an expert, I metacognitively developed an approach to each topic in Physics, adjusting the methodology based on how my students responded, and more recently, how student teachers that I hosted from George Washington University’s GWTeach program responded as they took control of my classes as part of their teaching training. 

Over the years, I have distilled it down to a single procedure, one for each of the base topics of algebra based Physics (kinematics, forces, momentum, and energy). This procedure will enable a student to approach and solve just about any problem that might be seen.
